I actually moved back on 7/16 but in all the hoopla of unpacking and getting settled in I realized I never left a review. To put it as frank as possible, MTB is what prompted me to even start a Yelp account just b/c I was so impressed with the efficiency and customer service from quote to finish.
Taking any and all advice from their site I prepped all our boxes, the TV etc as requested which I could tell they appreciated (I dunno, seemed like common sense to me). Prescott, Reggie, and Nick were the ones assigned to assist me and exemplified the kind of customer service you usually hear people only reference in stories from back in the day. Very courteous and professional, they did all they could to accommodate my requests and even had no issue going back to the old place to pick up a full-size bed that I couldn’t pawn off on Craigslist before moving day and had to take with me. Moving one townhouse to another = countless amounts of stairs, and not once did I hear a murmur of complaint or did they give off a sense they’d rather be somewhere else. They were totally focused on the job.
I took their orders for a few pizzas, threw some Gatorade on the counter and despite my acknowledging that their time was my money, I insisted they take a break and have some lunch. They simply said thanks and continued the job, only to finally grab a slice to eat in the truck while moving between locations. I only moved 0.3 miles down the road so they must’ve eaten fast!
Being ex-military and having self-moved a number of times, moving is to me what the dentist is to a kid. I can’t stand it, but MTB actually had me wishing I had another move in the future just so I could experience a level of professionalism so lacking in most services these days. Oh, and for those wondering the the price was a fraction of what several ‘bigger’ companies had quoted me and in the low-end of the range of what MTB quoted me originally.
As far as time is concerned they called when they were close and arrived 15min early around 9:15 and were done moving a 3 BDR 2.5 BTH Townhome with a finished basement in about 6 hours.
– Brett K. | 8.6.14