Just need some quick delivery help? We can do that.
I started MTB with a pickup truck and the desire to help people fast and affordably. However, in order to get all my legal ducks in a row, I had to grow the company to pay all those big boy bills. Regrettably, it forced MTB to grow far beyond its roots to become what it is today. We do great, 5-star work, but it’s made it tough to meet those “micro needs” everyone eventually has in the DC area.
So, I’m getting back to basics (as time allows). Here’s what I mean: if you just need to move a small item that you or a friend are able to help lift, I can provide the other half of the labor, plus a pickup truck or a van. If it’s actual moving help you need, you know – with a team of professional movers – then you want the main service. (Get a fast, free quote here.) But if you need help moving a few boxes, maybe a small couch, or to pick something up from a box store, I’m eager to help you out personally.
A couple of caveats: This is a cash-only service. Sunday and Mondays are blocked out for family. Saturdays I’m technically on the clock, but I may be helping out the crews. Any other time I’m pretty open.
Sound good? If so,
Fill out the Buddy-with-a-Truck form here.