This may, indeed, be one of the most well deserved five star streaks on Yelp. When it comes to labor, you generally get what you pay for. You can forget about that maxim with my Truck Buddy where you’ll be getting a lot more.
The Story: Though my lease had a week left, my ‘relocube’ was half-packed and my building was making it clear that the metal pod had over-extended its stay at Casa de Loading Dock and needed to be out by that evening. I was dead on my feet from days of packing and needed professional help pronto, within hours, and at a price point my deflated wallet could afford. Enter Chris and My Truck Buddy.
The Service: I called Chris around 11am. He assured me he’d ‘make it work’. Within a couple hours he’d arranged for himself and another guy to arrive at 7pm for just $70 an hour. The men arrived – on time – and surveyed the situation. TONS of small boxes and oddly shaped items (an antique chair, Turkish lanterns, curtain rods) piled up in the hallway. And it ALL had to fit neatly into a 6 x 7 x 9 cube, as a 2nd cube would cost an extra thousand (that’s right, baby – 10 Benjamins!). Oh and then there’s my IKEA bed, whose frame mocked my pathetic efforts to disassemble it (yes, I now own my very own metric hex tool, thanks). Chris chose to regard this disaster as ‘an exciting challenge.’ That’s not exactly what I was calling it…
Roughly 1.75 hours later. Bed disassembled? Check. Only one ‘Relocube’ filled? Check. Space to spare? Check (I suspect Newtonian laws of physics were suspended to make this happen). All boxes neatly secured with rope and thoughtful packing for a 3000 mile bumpy ride? Check. Good humour and politeness the entire time? Check Check!
Total Cost: $105.00 – the clock doesn’t start the second they arrive but rather when they start lifting boxes.
Useful to know: The website has a very informative FAQ – check it out.
Oh and yes, they totally accept tips :).
– Jaclyn S. | 7.25.09