January 5, 2017 KME Digital

Ara the Ops Man on: Time Management

We had our first-of-the-year meeting the other day. It was one of those extremely rare moments when all (or nearly all…ahem) of the guys were together in one room. I think making it mandatory had something to do with it.

Anyway, it was a great opportunity to go over the basics – customer service, standards, best practices… Basically all of the things that get people up and PUMPED. And, actually, all sarcasm aside, it was probably the best meeting we’ve ever had as a company. Guys were engaged, had input, seemed upbeat. (If that last enthusiastic remark sounds odd, remember that this is a moving company, and it’s winter, which means what few jobs there are are conducted in cold and dreary conditions.)

One big highlight in the meeting was Ara’s riffing on various topics. He didn’t grow up thinking, “You know, one day I’d like to run a team of movers,” but even so, he’s a natural at the job. He’s tough and yet very compassionate. These videos might not convey that, but you don’t find a combo like that like you do in Ara in this industry.

Anyway, here’s Ara riffing on the efficient use of time…


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